The Road from Hyperpapalism to Catholicism (Volume 2: Chronological Responses to an Unfolding Pontificate)
- by Peter Kwasniewski
- Product Code: trfhtc2
- Availability: In Stock
Although Pope Francis has brought controversy, confusion, and chaos to the Catholic Church, good fruits of his pontificate is already apparent: a long-overdue reassessment of the papal office itself, and a newfound willingness to call out derelictions of duty. The first volume of The Road from Hyperpapalism to Catholicism provides the theological-spiritual reassessment; the second volume, Chronological Responses to an Unfolding Pontificate, critiques the deviations, offering a record of responses to notable events in the Bergoglian reign such as the release of Amoris Laetitia, the Abu Dhabi declaration, the death penalty revision, the Pachamama debacle, and synods rigged for the advancement of progressivist ideology. If the Church has entered a new phase in the unfolding of Modernism, the appropriate reaction of the faithful is nonetheless clear: not lamentation or hostility, but renewed commitment to tradition, prayer and good works.
Volume 1 available for purchase here: Theological Reflections on the Rock of the Church
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Purchase the set and save 15%. See this link.
ISBN: 978-1-990685-12-5 | $21.95 USD | paperback
ISBN: 978-1-990685-13-2 | $28.95 USD | hardcover
Size: 6 x 9
336 pages
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Review by Leila Marie Lawler (Happy Despite Them blog): The death of Benedict means finally confronting ultramontanism
Review by Maike Hickson (Lifesite): Liturgical expert's work on the papacy helps Catholics navigate the challenges in today's Church
Review by Dan Millette (1P5): Rethinking the Papacy
Review by Stuart Chessman (The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny): Hyperpapalism and Catholicism
Review by Sebastian Morello (The European Conservative): Beyond Papolatry
Review by Robert Greving (Catholic Family News): Kwasniewski’s Latest Work Offers Needed Perspective
Review by Julia Meloni (Crisis Magazine): Modernism and the Miracle of the Papacy
Review by Dr. John Joy (1P5): Kwasniewski Brings Good Out of Evil in Hyperpapalism Book
"Avoiding extremes of 'papolatry' and antipapalism, Dr. Kwasniewski's analysis brings sorely needed balance to contemporary discussions about the role of the papacy in the Church. The second volume builds up his case by concrete reference to the past decade." —Phillip Campbell, author of the Story of Civilization series
"Dr. Kwasniewski applies hard-won principles to the various bizarre episodes of the pontificate of Francis. Above all, he shows us how Catholics ought to react to the current crisis in the Church: keeping their eyes on the prize of their eternal salvation. We owe him an enormous debt." —Charles Coulombe, author of Vicars of Christ: A History of the Popes
"With any hot issue facing Catholics-and certainly when pondering papal authority and its exercise and abuse-it's highly advisable to check with Peter Kwasniewski before rushing to your own conclusion." —Roger McCaffrey, Editor, The Traditionalist
"Dr. Kwasniewski offers an essential resource for coping with the great mystery of our times: how can recent popes, and especially Francis, do so much harm to the Mystical Body of Christ?" —Brian M. McCall, Editor-in-Chief, Catholic Family News
"Peter Kwasniewski gets to grips with the overwhelming scandal facing us today: a Pope who day by day is betraying his divine enormity made possible by an exaggerated adulation of the person of the reigning Pontiff." —Henry Sire, author of The Dictator Pope
"Dr. Kwasniewski helps the reader to leave behind a widespread and unhealthy hyperpapalism... The pope is just the 'vicar,' the representative of Christ: he does not supplant Jesus Christ, and he therefore must not change the faith but preserve, clarify, and amplify it." —Monika Rheinschmitt, President, Pro Missa Tridentina
Dr. Peter Kwasniewski taught theology, philosophy, music, and art history at various undergraduate and graduate institutions from 1998 to 2018, and has directed choirs from 1994 to the present. Today he is a writer and speaker known for his public advocacy of traditional Catholicism, especially in the liturgical realm. His work has been translated into at least eighteen languages.